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What are Meridians?

Meridian Connection

Connecting Everything in Your Body

Picture a road map: a profusion of points woven into a web by lines of travel. Now imagine this system 3-D in your body: a vast network of invisible energy pathways connecting to each other and to every atom, cell, tendon, bone, organ, each centimeter of skin—everything in your body! They link the upper portion with the lower and the surface with the interior so that nothing is truly separate.

Now add other dimensions to this 3-D interconnected body “map”: your mind, your emotions, and spirit—everything conscious and unconscious within you. These amazing pathways are the meridians, and they form your body and all invisible aspects of your being into an intercommunicating whole.

Meridian Pathways

There are twelve major meridians that run on each side of the body, one side mirroring the other. Each meridian corresponds to an internal organ. And each organ, with its own physiological and invisible energy functions, is not only dependent on the other organ systems but also on the greater meridian network.

Carrying Energy, Blood, and Information

Energy and blood flow continuously through the meridians, yet they also transmit information to and among your organs. What kind of information? Instantaneously they send signals to raise or lower your body temperature, signs that your body needs to release water, signals to regulate emotion, among countless others. Are you aware that your body is constantly communicating with itself through innumerable messages flowing through your meridians? These life-giving energy pathways help coordinate the work of the organs and keep your body balanced by regulating its functions.

Free Flow of Chi (life energy)

flows freely through your meridians and your organs work in harmony, your body can remain healthy. This means that when your body’s meridian system functions well, you are well. Yet due to a number of causes—like excess stress—your body’s meridians can become clogged or even blocked. This affects the function of the corresponding organ and ultimately the whole body-mind-spirit.

Receiving and Relaying Healing Stimulation

Meridians are incredibly sensitive. They can carry the effects of stimulation in the form of healing energy throughout your entire being. By using food, herbs, essential oils,  acupuncture qi- gong practice, and various tapping exercises

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